About our company

T.F.C.`s mission is to remain the only private railroad transportation agency most centered on the passengers` needs, comfort and safety, flexible, looking after our clients.

T.F.C.`s goal is to be the safest mean of railway transportation.

Among our deemed values, safety, respect, client reliability, openness, a certain degree of comfort and affordable prices are to be mentioned.

Short history. Tranferoviar Calatori (commonly known as T.F.C.) is a railway agency with private income having as main target of activity the development of public railroad transportation for passengers, within Romanian borders… and even further. T.F.C. is covering both single-operator and multi-operator infrastructure.

Primary purposes Increase speed in traffic, with expected improvement of the timespan on single-operator stations. Annual raise of the estimated number of passengers with 10-15%. Decreasing by 15-20% the total amount of suggestions coming from our clients. Expanding our marketing strategies.
